Saturday, November 21, 2009

The beautiful Christmas Tree my husband put up for me!

This was our last Christmas together!  2007 was the year.  I had to leave for a week in December for a class for a new job I never took.  When I returned he had put up the tree.  I love flocked trees and he knew it.  My husband is such a sweetie and loved Christmas.  I love his fun loving way....we would always play this playful game together where we would say all the Happy this and that holidays to each other running through all the holidays we could think of: Happy Valentines Day, Happy Presidents Day, Happy Memorial Day, Happy Fourth of July, Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday,  Happy Labor Day, Happy Holloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.  Not always in that order mind you.  and not always at the appropriate time of year. Simply random.  I love his playful personality.

 I love that Tree, isn't it pretty!

1 comment:

  1. It is beautiful. Will you get to visit him around the holidays. If so just do Christmas then, hey we dont really know that Christ was born on that day so make it when you can. Thats what we did the years we were apart.
