Thursday, November 12, 2009

Considering the Big Move


Downtown Manuel Doblado, GTO, Mexico

Just thinking about what it would mean to move to Mexico. I love the thought of being with my husband and getting to see him everyday!  I love so many things about Mexico, the food, the relaxed lifestyle, the weather, the simplicity of the people, my very loving and accepting in-laws, the plant growing weather, the birds, the culture, the beautiful children. I love my husband and miss him so much.  There is so many things I don't like about Mexico also that would be hard to adjust to.  The dust, bugs, concrete floors, bad roads, drug cartel, bad sewage systems, air quality, stinky smells, loud music at all hours of the night, barking dogs and last but not least the fact that I don't speak the language.  Now with all that being said, I'm ready to move.  I just don't know if we can survive financally.  I pray to God that we will have the answers in our hearts.  It is so hard to let go of all my ties to the USA.  This is my home, but, I love my husband and will give it up to be with him.  Each time I go for a visit to Mexico it gets easier to adjust.  The last visit I had with my husband was absolutely the best!!!  Honey I LOVE YOU and the border can't separate our love for each other.


  1. Hey nice to meet you. Just to let you know it may take a little time but all that stuff on your bad list is possible to get use to. And when I came her all I knew how to do was say hello and wheres the bathroom. It wasn't easy but I'm doing pretty good now. Where is your husband from in Mexico?

  2. You have a great blog list, and I'm proud to be on it. How are things going for you these days?
